Monday, September 15, 2008

FitBit, a new Fitness Gadget

. Monday, September 15, 2008

A new fitness gadget -- named FitBit, it is a wireless 3D pedometer and a diet monitoring system that tracks your weight and keeps an online record.

The device itself is small and can be clipped on to one's clothes. It contains a motion sensor similar to the ones found in the Nintendo Wii controller. It is capable of sensing motion in three dimensions and converts the data tracked into information about user's daily activities.

FitBit actually measures the intensity and duration of the physical activities, calories burned, steps taken, distance traveled, how long it took to fall asleep, number of times the user woke up through the night and how long they were actually asleep versus just lying in bed.

When the user passes by a wireless base station the device transmits all the collected data to the website where it is processed. Users can also add food eaten and other data and it also tracks sleeping patterns. Test it yourself and lets us know your experience

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