Friday, May 29, 2009

Travel Honey GPS functions as a homing device, photo tagger, party favor

. Friday, May 29, 2009

The last time we saw a simplified GPS homing device about, we weren't too terribly impressed. Sure, the premise was solid: press one button to lock in the position of your car (or the gold of Dresden), and it will return you to its location after your day at the mall (or after you've successfully evaded capture). But who wants to spend $80 on a glorified key fob? Not us, that's for sure. For a less pricey alternative, you might want to check out a little something called the Travel Honey. Distributed by China Direct, this bad boy not only functions as a stand alone unit, lighting up as you zero in on your target, but it can also connect to your PC via USB for use as a full-blown GPS unit (software not included). And if all that weren't enough, it will also log your various locations in a text file (perfect for keeping track of mileage and geotagging photos). Available now for $53.87.

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