Monday, June 1, 2009

Get a BudTrap, share a BudTrap Buddy

. Monday, June 1, 2009

Here’s a simple solution to a very common problem. If you’re like me chances are you tend to wrap your headphones around your iPod or MP3 player. Unfortunately, the next time you go to use your MP3 you spend the next five minutes untangling your headphones.

The BudTrap is a simple solution which helps you keep you headphone cords tamed. The company offering BudTrap also has an interesting way to spread the word regarding its use. For every BudTrap sold you will also receive four BudTrap Buddys just so you can share them. Another bonus is that US$1 of every purchase goes toward a social cause.

If you’re looking to share a BudTrap Buddy or receive one you can do so through Twitter or Facebook. Clearly, the folks from BudTrap believe the product is so good it should be shared. The BudTrap costs just US$4.99 and is available online.

Read more at the BudTrap website

Brian’s Opinion
Hey, I think this small, but simple solution is a fantastic idea to address a very common problem. What I find genius though is the way they are marketing it. I love the idea of people being able to share BudTrap Buddys.

Sure, the BudTrap Buddys are just as functional as the BudTrap, but they don’t look as good. That being said, they will no doubt encourage people to upgrade to the full BudTrap. In turn they will receive BudTrap Buddys to share.

This is viral marketing at its best. Here is a perfect example of a company leveraging social websites like Twitter or Facebook to market their website. It’s genius, pure genius. Mostly because it doesn’t cost a lot of money and it will no doubt be very effective in generating word of mouth advertising about the product

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