Saturday, June 13, 2009

Spider Vac

. Saturday, June 13, 2009

Love them or hate them spiders just seem to be everywhere where we don’t like them. In our bed, table, or even in our tub; we just have to get rid of them in one way or another. Unfortunately, we don’t have much choice in getting rid of them. We usually kill them with a slipper, a rolled up newspaper or a hardbound Harry Potter book that would all leave a spider crime scene which would pinch our conscience. But still, how bad they might look, some spiders are actually beneficial insects gobbling up other unwanted organisms. The question still remains, how can you get rid of an insect which you are afraid of but not kill it? Answer – the Spider Vac.

The Spider Vac can capture those eight legged creatures using a vacuum mechanism that easily lifts them of the ground and into the tube which you could plug to trap the spider inside then release at a better location. The fully extendable 17.5in capturing tube will ensure safe distance between you and that nasty critter. The lightweight and ergonomic design means easy maneuverability of the device to avoid accidental release of the spider like in your foot or someone’s head that could cause a greater commotion not to mention forever hatred. Upon thinking on it, this device could also be used on basically any other insect that you want to get rid of like roaches or flies. For a few bucks, this device is a must have for arachnophobics and the like.

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