Monday, June 1, 2009

LaCie intros Cover, Coat and Cozy hard drive bags

. Monday, June 1, 2009

LaCie has this week introduced a new range of bags aimed at users of its external hard drive range. There are three types available offering different levels of protection for you drive

The Cover is the thinnest and lightest of the bags offering minimal protection from bumps and focuses on stopping your drive getting scratched. It is meant to slide into a pocket and is available for both 2.5? and 3.5? drives at a price of $7.99 each
The Coat ups the protection from the Cover and adds a bubble design. Another nice feature is the fact the bag is reversible so you can hide the bubbles and have a suede fabric finish instead. There’s also a secret accessory pocket and four color options available (black, gray, red, or
orange). The 2.5? version costs $11.99 where as the 3.5? version costs $15.99
For people who want the best protection for their drive LaCie has created the Cozy which is made of EVA. The exterior is solid, but has a flexible pocket on the side. Inside your drive is held in place by memory foam giving you more options as to what drives you can store in the Cozy. Available in three colors (black, gray, or red) the 2.5? version costs $14.99 while the 3.5? version costs $19.99.

All the bags are now available to buy in the LaCie Shop and a compatibility chart (PDF) is available to make sure your hard drive will fit in the bags – this includes drives from other manufacturers.

Read more at the LaCie press release

Matthew’s Opinion
It’s nice to see LaCie supporting the use of these bags beyond its own products with the compatibility chart having a long list of other makes of drive. You are going to buy one of these bags after your hard drive purchase so they aren’t really losing any potential sales by doing that.

Having a bag for an external hard drive is only going to be of value if you move it a lot. I have a few external drives, but for the most part they never leave my desk and just act as backup devices. If I want an external drive bigger than a USB stick then I would first look for a drive with “toughness” built-in, but if I couldn’t find one that suits I have no problem buying a separate bag for it.

The LaCie Cover seems a bit pointless to me. It only offers protection from scratches where as I wouldn’t be too concerned about that in a storage device. It’s the data that it contains that you should be worried about

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